Monday, February 10, 2014

Why a Blog?

My husband recently mentioned to me that he thought it was curious that I did not have a blog. I found that humorous because I *have* had a blog...twice. Neither really took off, and I was at a stage in life that prevented me from posting regularly. But perhaps, now is the time.

I have a "profile" here... but does it say everything? Is that possible? Probably not, but here is a bit about me, expounding upon what is already there.

I am a follower of Christ. He is first and foremost in my life. Yes, before my husband, before my children. They actually like it that way. Since He is first, and I follow what he teaches in His word, my family is much better off than if I did it MY way.

I am a wife. My husband I have known each other 29 years, married 28 this year. We were friends before we were married, and that was a good start. We married "young" (so some think), and yes, we have struggled, and still do. Every day is a new day, a new adventure, especially since we strive to walk together with Christ. We are sinners, and we fight daily to step away from that identity and closer to being like Christ.

I am a mother. I have four boys, two who are now in the military (Navy, Air Force). I have been homeschooling for almost 15 years. They challenge me Some days (I admit) I want to give up, give in. But I fall on my knees and trust in HIM to lead me down this path he has put me on. Every day I strive to do better. Can I improve as a parent? Always. My goal is to do better, even if just a little, each and every day.

I am a sister. I have a brother (whom I adore), a sister (who I love, but has not spoken to me in 10 years). I have a sister-in-law (who is fabulous), and a brother-in-law (ahem... not going there today). I am blessed with all, each in their own special way. I am happy to say that I count my brother among my best friends... which leads me to....

I am a friend. Now, this is a topic I could write about for hours.... days.... weeks. I know that I am an "acquired" taste for some. As someone once said about me "you never wonder what Susan is thinking." That said, I am loyal...sometimes to a fault. I don't betray, I will correct, and I will love and be there for you. I don't base my choice in friends JUST on what they believe, but on who they are, what their character says about them... and how they treat ME and my family. We often will agree to disagree on things (just ask my brother)... but do so with respect and love.

The rest, well, it just falls in afterward. I am a teacher, a mentor, a leader, a follower, an artist, a writer...whatever God has called me to be for that day.

I believe that if I use what God has gifted me with to the utmost, then I am glorifying HIM and he will be pleased.

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